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Ejmad in Arabic, which literally means “Become solid” but loosely translates to “Man Up” was a hashtag we created to promote Kasih’s Liquid Jameed product.

Jameed is an iconic Jordanian food product used to cook “Mansaf”, the country’s national dish. Original Jameed comes in rock form, and when Kasih introduced a liquid Jameed, that was produced using authentic rock Jameed, we had to create a video series that brought that message home.


Ejmad in Arabic, which literally means “Become solid” but loosely translates to “Man Up” was a hashtag we created to promote Kasih’s Liquid Jameed product.

Jameed is an iconic Jordanian food product used to cook “Mansaf”, the country’s national dish. Original Jameed comes in rock form, and when Kasih introduced a liquid Jameed, that was produced using authentic rock Jameed, we had to create a video series that brought that message home.